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[Bearbeiten] Microsoft vante les progrès Azure , construit iOS app 0

SAN FRANCISCO _ When in Rome, fais comme les Romains, Microsoft a construit application pour l'iPhone en utilisant un Mac sur scène devant 6000 développeurs ici lors de sa conférence construire aujourd'hui. Après vantant la croissance de sa plateforme d'informatique en ligne d'azur et son nouveau kit d'outils logiciels Visual Studio, Microsoft a montré comment il est facile de développer des applications qui s'exécutent sur Apple iOS s utilisant Windows Azure mobiles Services de Microsoft. Cela fait suite à une démo qui montre comment Chrome le navigateur de Google peut être défini comme navigateur par défaut lors de la création d'un site Web avec ASP.NET Framework de Microsoft. Il rend les guerres de plates-formes amères qui caractérisent la relation de Microsoft avec la Silicon Valley pendant les années 1990 et 2000 semblent de l'histoire ancienne. Qui s en partie parce que c'est le plus grand rival dans l'espace de l'informatique en ligne est maintenant basé à Seattle, qui a pris une avance rapide avec ses plate-forme agnostique Amazon Web Services. Il reflète également la façon dont Microsoft a évolué et est devenue plus pragmatique à l'approche de son 40e anniversaire. Aaron Levie, PDG de Los Altos, société Box de stockage en ligne en Californie-basées, a été impressionné par Microsofts embrasser d'hétérogénéité. C'est vraiment excitant de voir un tout nouveau Microsoft, at-il dit sur scène, où il a parlé de la façon dont ses Companys travailler avec Azure. Levie a dit qu'il a été surpris par la démo en utilisant un Mac. J'étais Bill Gates peur que j'allais descendre du plafond et l'arracher, at-il dit. Portes rira le dernier. Quand Levie était encore à l'école primaire, la Silicon Valley leaders technologiques tels que Scott McNealy de Sun se moquaient les premières tentatives de Microsoft pour construire un logiciel serveur et se déplacer dans l'informatique d'entreprise. Sun s'est évanouie et a été absorbé par Oracle, qui travaille avec Microsoft pour lancer son logiciel sur Azure. Microsoft de la division Server and Tools entreprise, dirigée par Satya Nadella, est devenu source de revenus la plus cohérente de Microsoft et a été son deuxième métier l'année dernière avec des ventes de 18,7 milliards de dollars. Azure a pris un excellent départ avec plus de la moitié des entreprises du Fortune 500 qui utilisent ses services, Nadella dit. Dans le même temps, de voir une croissance phénoménale de Microsoft dans les ventes de logiciels de serveur traditionnel que les entreprises utilisent en interne,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, at-il dit. Un autre signe de l'évolution du point de vue de Microsoft sur sa plate-forme de développement logiciel est ses ouvertures aux communautés open-source. L'entreprise s'est associée avec les développeurs open-source sur un Python add-in pour Visual Studio, S. Somasegar, vice-président de la division développeur de Microsoft,? Noté lors d'une présentation ultérieure. C'est peut-être encore un certain temps avant que Microsoft construit un support natif pour les produits concurrents? Tels que Java en? Visual Studio, Somasegar? Dit.? Mais heureux de travailler avec des partenaires? Qui veulent créer? Ajouter des fonctionnalités, comme une s de l'entreprise Amazon Web Services plug-in proposé par Quand quelqu'un a apporté le partenariat Oracle, Somasegar qui a commencé à Microsoft en 1989 sourit et dit? Il s un monde nouveau. Ici s et Azure toboggan élan Nadella: Microsoft a une longueur d'avance construction d'une plate-forme informatique en ligne, car il a l'expérience d'exploitation de ses propres services d'énormes tels que le Xbox Live et Skype, Nadella dit. SAN FRANCISCO _ When in Rome, do as the Romans, so Microsoft built app for the iPhone using a Mac on stage in front of 6,000 developers here at its Build conference today. After touting the growth of its Azure online computing platform and its new Visual Studio software tool kit, Microsoft demonstrated how easy it is to develop apps that run on Apple s iOS using Microsoft s Windows Azure Mobile Services.

That followed a demo that showed how Google s Chrome browser can be set as a default browser when building a web site with Microsoft s ASP.NET framework.

It makes the bitter platform wars that characterized Microsoft s relationship with Silicon Valley during the 1990s and 2000s seem like ancient history. That s partly because it s biggest rival in the online computing space is now Seattle-based, which took an early lead with its platform-agnostic Amazon Web Services. It also reflects how Microsoft has evolved and become more pragmatic as it approaches its 40th birthday. Aaron Levie, chief executive of Los Altos, Calif.-based online storage company Box, was impressed by Microsoft��s embrace of heterogeneity. ��It��s really exciting to see an all new Microsoft,�� he said on stage, where he talked about how his company��s working with Azure. Levie said he was taken aback by the demo using a Mac. ��I was afraid Bill Gates was going to drop down from the ceiling and rip it off,�� he said. Gates gets the last laugh. When Levie was still in grade school,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, Silicon Valley tech leaders such as Sun s Scott McNealy were mocking Microsoft s early attempts to build server software and move into enterprise computing. Sun faded and was absorbed into Oracle, which is working with Microsoft to run its software on Azure. Microsoft s Server and Tools business, headed by Satya Nadella, has become Microsoft s most consistent revenue generator and was its second-largest business last year with sales of $18.7 billion. Azure is off to a strong start with more than half of Fortune 500 companies using its services, Nadella said. At the same time, Microsoft s seeing tremendous growth in sales of traditional server software that companies use in-house, he said. Another sign of the evolution of Microsoft s view of its software development platform is its overtures to open-source communities. The company partnered with open-source developers on a Python add-in for Visual Studio, S. Somasegar, vice president of Microsoft s developer division,?noted at a later presentation. It may still be awhile before Microsoft builds native support for?competing products such as Java into?Visual Studio, Somasegar?said.?But the company s happy to work with partners?who want to create?add-in features, such as an Amazon Web Services plug-in suggested by When someone brought up the Oracle partnership, Somasegar who started at Microsoft in 1989 grinned and said? It s a new world. Here s and?Nadella s Azure momentum slide:

Microsoft had a head start building an online computing platform because it has experience operating its own huge services such as Xbox Live and Skype, Nadella said.

[Bearbeiten] Countdown to Camp - 15 Formation aux questions en 15 jours -

Nous allons continuer notre compte à rebours pour le camp d'entraînement avec une question qui a beaucoup plus intrigant en Juin qui va gagner le poste de quart-arrière de sauvegarde? Cet endroit semble assez défini après les Seahawks signé Brady Quinn en Avril et ensuite coupé Josh Portis en mai après avoir été arrêté sur des soupçons de conduite avec facultés affaiblies. Mais en Juin, les Bills de Buffalo libérés ancien Seahawks démarreur Tarvaris Jackson (ci-dessus), et les Seahawks lui rapidement ramenés à la ville de rivaliser avec Quinn pour le spot de sauvegarde derrière Russell Wilson. Étant donné que Jackson était le démarreur de Seattle en 2011 (aller 7-7 en 14 départs), connaît le système et a le soutien vocal de nombreux coéquipiers, il semble le favori pour battre Quinn (même si, comme cette semaine, note les quarts de sauvegarde indique , pas tout le monde suppose que ce sera le cas). Jackson apparaît également un meilleur ajustement pour la direction dans laquelle l'infraction Seattle se dirige sous Wilson avec son accent accru sur la zone de lecture et d'autres jeux qui utilisent un quart-arrière mobile. Seahawks Pete Carroll entraîneur, cependant, dit à l'époque de la signature de Jackson en Juin qu'il le fera? être une véritable concurrence (même si, c'est vrai, vous feriez peine qu'il dise quoi que ce soit d'autre). Carroll dit alors: Il (Jackson) sera en concurrence avec Brady et ce sera un très bon combat pour nous de voir ce qui se passe à cet endroit. Russell est notre quart-arrière, il n'est pas question à ce sujet. Mais si Tarvaris revient à il comprend le système, nous sommes très familiers avec lui, il est à l'aise avec les réglages et les environs. Je pense que c'est un grand coup de pouce pour nous dans un sens compétitif. Nous avons pensé à Tarvaris comme un joueur de football extrêmement difficile et un enfant concurrentiel qui a lutté pour nous et nous sommes un peu mieux que nous l'étions à l'époque et nous le ramener à la pensée qu'il fera ce une situation vraiment compétitif. Carroll a insisté à l'époque que la signature Jackson n'était pas le reflet de toute préoccupation avec la performance de Quinn,Wholesale NFL Jerseys women, mais simplement une tentative de rendre l'équipe meilleure. Brady a fait un excellent travail, Carroll dit. Mais il est tout simplement nous que beaucoup plus fort et il va à la profondeur que vous avez la concurrence au niveau des points. Elle permet simplement de mieux vous quand les gars se battent, de sorte que est vraiment ce que la pensée est tout au sujet. nous saisissons l'occasion que l'un de nos gars est là et nous pouvons le ramener à l'intérieur et il va? être en mesure de nous aider. Étaient vraiment heureux avec (Quinn). Il s fait un très bon travail et viennent à travers bien. Mais il sera difficile, ce sera des thats difficiles que la concurrence est tout au sujet. T-Jack ne va pas venir ici et il suffit de prendre un siège arrière. Il va venir et aller pour elle. C'est exactement la façon dont nous nous attendons à travers le conseil d'administration. Il n'est pas un autre au poste de quart. Peu importe qui gagne la bataille, ce n'est pas dans le doute, c'est que Seattle aura une situation de quart-arrière beaucoup plus stable qu'il ya un an, quand il est entré dans la saison avec deux quarts sur sa liste et qui venait tout juste deux parcours combiné en chantier (à la fois par Matt Flynn). Maintenant, les Seahawks ont un démarreur établie à Wilson et deux sauvegardes qui ont une expérience de départ assez importante (est 4-16 en 20 départs avec les Browns et les chefs, et c'est 17-17 en 34 départs en carrière avec les Vikings et les Seahawks). Étant donné que Quinn et Jackson ont chacun dossiers assez vastes de piste, il est difficile de dire à quel niveau de performance pré-saison sera question dans la décision finale. Mais sans doute cette bataille recevra une bonne part de l'attention, comme tous les quarts impliquant ne inévitablement. La vraie question pourrait être de savoir si les Seahawks décident de garder les deux, ou couper un et aller avec seulement deux quarts, comme ils le faisaient essentiellement la saison dernière. Finances don t le chiffre doit être un problème. Chacun a un contrat d'un an pour un salaire relativement faible est due à faire 715,000 $ à 620,Bennett célèbre la vie lors d'une cérémonie de,000 $ comptage contre le chapeau, et s'apprête à faire 840,000 $ avec tout cela compter sur le plafond. We ll continue our countdown to training camp with a question that got a lot more intriguing in June who will win the backup quarterback job? That spot appeared pretty set after the Seahawks signed Brady Quinn in April and then cut Josh Portis in May after he was arrested on suspicion of DUI. But in June, the Buffalo Bills released former Seahawks starter Tarvaris Jackson (above), and the Seahawks quickly brought him back to town to compete with Quinn for the backup spot behind Russell Wilson. Given that Jackson was Seattle s starter in 2011 (going 7-7 in 14 starts), knows the system and has the strong vocal support of many teammates, he seems the favorite to beat out Quinn (though as this week rating the backup quarterbacks indicates, not everybody assumes that will be the case). Jackson also appears a better fit for the direction in which the Seattle offense is heading under Wilson with its increased emphasis on the read zone and other plays that utilize a mobile quarterback. Seahawks coach Pete Carroll, though, said at the time of Jackson s signing in June that it will? be a true competition (though, true, you d hardly expect him to say anything else). Said Carroll then: ��He (Jackson) will compete with Brady and that will be a really good battle for us to see what happens at that spot. Russell is our quarterback, there is no question about that. But if Tarvaris comes back in he understands the system, we are very familiar with him, he is comfortable with the settings and surroundings. I think its a great boost for us in a competitive sense. We thought of Tarvaris as a tremendously tough football player and a competitive kid that battled for us and we are a little better than we were in those days so we bring him back with the thought that he will make this a really competitive situation.���� Carroll insisted at the time that signing Jackson was not a reflection of any concern with the performance of Quinn, but rather simply an attempt to make the team better. ��Brady has done a fine job, Carroll said. But it just makes us that much stronger and it goes to the depth that you have competing at the spots. It just makes you better when guys are battling, so that s really what the thought is all about. we are seizing the opportunity that one of our guys is out there and we can bring him back in and he will? be able to help us. We��re really happy with (Quinn). He s done a very good job and come through well. But it will be hard, it will be tough that��s what competition is all about. T-Jack is not going to come in here and just take a back seat. He is going to come in and go for it. That��s exactly how we expect it across the board. It s no different at quarterback. Regardless of who wins the battle, what s not in doubt is that Seattle will have a much more stable quarterback situation than a year ago, when it entered the season with two quarterbacks on its roster who had just two combined career starts (both by Matt Flynn). Now the Seahawks have an established starter in Wilson and two backups who have fairly substantial starting experience ( is 4-16 in 20 starts with the Browns and Chiefs, and is 17-17 in 34 career starts with the Vikings and Seahawks). Given that Quinn and Jackson each have pretty extensive track records, it s hard to tell how much pre-season performance will matter in the final decision. But undoubtedly that battle will receive a good share of attention, as any involving quarterbacks inevitably does. The real issue may be whether the Seahawks decide to keep both, or cut one and go with just two quarterbacks, as they essentially did last season. Finances don t figure to be an issue. Each has a one-year contract for a relatively small salary is due to make $715,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale,000 with $620,000 counting against the cap, and is set to make $840,000 with all of it counting against the cap.

[Bearbeiten] Microsoft annonce une réorganisation de balayage [mise à j

Steve Ballmer (Photo de Microsoft) Dans une vaste réorganisation visant à favoriser la transformation de Microsoft dans une société de dispositifs-et-services, PDG Steve Ballmer a réaligné aujourd'hui la société selon leur fonction, à réduire de moitié? Le nombre de divisions de produits et de centralisation d'autres services tels que le marketing, la finance et le développement commercial. La société sera désormais organisé autour des fonctions de: l'ingénierie (y compris la chaîne d'approvisionnement et les centres de données), le marketing, le développement des affaires et de l'évangélisation, de la stratégie et la recherche, finance, ressources humaines, juridique, et les zones COO (y compris le terrain, le soutien, commercial opérations et informatique). Dans l'ingénierie, les quatre groupes sont: les systèmes d'exploitation, applications et services, des nuages ​​et entreprise, des dispositifs et Studios. Absent de la liste des hauts dirigeants dans le nouvel ordre mondial est président Bureau Kurt DelBene, qui prendra sa retraite, M. Ballmer a déclaré dans un? Il a envoyé aux employés ce matin. Un ajout notable à l'équipe est Mark Penn, ancien conseiller de Clinton qui a rejoint Microsoft en 2012 pour travailler sur des projets stratégiques et spéciaux (comme la campagne publicitaire Scroogled contre Google). Steve Ballmer a déclaré la réorganisation permettra à l'entreprise d'innover avec une plus grande rapidité, l'efficacité et la capacité et nous permettra d'exécuter encore mieux sur notre stratégie visant à offrir une famille d'appareils et de services qui permettent aux meilleures personnes pour les activités qu'ils apprécient le plus et les extensions de l'entreprise et services qui sont le plus précieux pour les entreprises. Les changements, qui prennent effet immédiatement, sont également conçus pour favoriser une plus grande collaboration chose Ballmer a souligné avec le sujet de son email: One Microsoft. Ici s qui s va faire quoi. (Le titre de président ne sera plus utilisé pour les chefs de division. Lieu de cela, la quasi-totalité de l'équipe de direction aura le titre de vice-président exécutif.) Julie Larson-Green, vice-président de l'entreprise exécutif des dispositifs et des studios dans les groupes d'ingénierie : Julie Larson-Green, ancien vice-président corporate de Windows ingénierie, est maintenant vice-président exécutif des périphériques et des Studios?. Ce groupe prendra en charge tout le développement de matériel de Microsoft et la chaîne d'approvisionnement, à partir de Xbox à Surface pour claviers et souris. Larson-Green sera également responsable de toutes les expériences de studio y compris les jeux, la musique, la vidéo et Qi Lu autre, maintenant vice-président exécutif des applications et des services de divertissement. Qi Lu, ancien président de la division des services en ligne, est maintenant vice-président exécutif des applications et des services. Ce groupe se chargera bureau, Lync, SharePoint, Skype, Yammer,? Bing et MSN. Il est chargé de fournir des applications et des services en technologies de base de la productivité, de la communication et de recherche. Terry Myerson, vice-président exécutif de l'entreprise Systèmes d'exploitation Terry Myerson, anciennement vice-président de la division Windows Phone,? Il est actuellement vice-président exécutif de? Systèmes d'exploitation. Cela inclut Windows, tous les systèmes Windows Phone et Xbox exploitation pour les consoles, les appareils mobiles, les PC et les systèmes back-end. Il comprend également les services de cloud computing de base pour chacun des systèmes d'exploitation. Satya Nadella, vice-président exécutif de l'entreprise Enterprise Cloud et Satya Nadella, ancien président de Business Server Outils, est? Maintenant vice-président exécutif de Cloud et Enterprise. Ce groupe conduira le développement de back-end et les entreprises de technologies de l'information telles que SQL Server, Windows Azure et System Center. Il mènera également au développement datacenter,Mariners tête de rompre avec la première inspect, la construction et l'exploitation. Dans les autres groupes (ce qui Ballmer se réfère comme disciplines): Tony Bates, ancien Président de Skype, est maintenant vice-président exécutif du développement des affaires et de l'évangélisation?. Il mettra l'accent sur la stratégie d'entreprise, des partenariats clés de Microsoft (y compris ceux avec Nokia, Yahoo et PC et fabricants de périphériques), et tendre la main aux développeurs. Son groupe travaillera également sur les efforts de développement des affaires qui étaient auparavant le travail des divisions de produits. Lisa Brummel, vice-président exécutif, continue de diriger les ressources humaines. Amy Hood, vice-président exécutif, continue à être le chef de la direction financière. Elle permettra également de centraliser toutes les organisations de financement de groupes de produits. Mark Penn, anciennement vice-président corporate en charge des projets stratégiques et spéciaux, est maintenant vice-président exécutif de la publicité et de stratégie. Il aura une vue d'ensemble de la stratégie marketing, Steve Ballmer a déclaré dans son courriel, et, avec Tami Reller, menez la publicité nouvellement centralisée et des fonctions multimédias. Tami Reller, ancien sous Windows agent de marketing en chef et chef de la direction financière, est maintenant vice-président exécutif du marketing. Elle dirigera tout le marketing et co-diriger avec Penn publicité et des médias. Eric Rudder, ancien Premier directeur de la stratégie technique, est maintenant vice-président exécutif de la stratégie et la recherche. Il dirigera Microsoft Research, ainsi que l'informatique digne de confiance. Brad Smith continue en tant que vice-président exécutif et avocat général. Kirill Tatarinov, ancien président de Microsoft Business Solutions, est maintenant vice-président de Microsoft Business Solutions. Cette petite division a été principalement responsable de la dynamique, la gestion de la relation client Microsoft et de l'offre de planification des ressources d'entreprise. Tatarinov continue à fonctionner Dynamics tel quel, et nous allons continuer Dynamics distincte, car il a toujours besoin d'attention particulière et représente opportunité significative, Steve Ballmer a déclaré dans son courriel, ajoutant que les leaders de produits de Tatarinov seront rapports en ligne en pointillés à Lu, tandis que sa commercialisation LEADER un rapport en pointillés à Reller et son chef des ventes d'un rapport en pointillés au groupe COO. Kevin Turner va continuer comme chef de l'exploitation, en se concentrant sur? Ventes mondiales, du marketing de terrain, des services, du soutien et des magasins ainsi que des opérations IT, licences et commercial. Aussi, Rick Rashid, chef actuel de Microsoft Research, se déplace dans un nouveau rôle moteur noyau OS innovation dans notre groupe des systèmes d'exploitation, Steve Ballmer a déclaré dans le courriel. Craig Mundie, conseiller principal du chef de la direction,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, va travailler sur un projet spécial pour Ballmer à la fin de cette année et en 2014 va travailler comme consultant jusqu'à sa retraite,Latest 2013 NFL Jerseys, déjà annoncée à la fin de cette année. Ballmer, dans son courriel, également décrit comment les gens dans la société sont appelés à travailler ensemble dans cette nouvelle structure: Processus sage, chaque initiative majeure de l'entreprise (produit ou d'un scénario de grande valeur) aura une équipe qui enjambe groupes afin de nous assurer réussir l'encontre de nos objectifs. Notre stratégie va conduire les initiatives que nous sommes d'accord et nous engageons à mes réunions du personnel. La plupart des disciplines et groupes de produits auront un noyau qui fournit des technologies ou des services clé et puis un morceau qui s'aligne avec les initiatives. Chaque initiative majeure aura un champion qui sera un rapport direct à moi ou un de mes subordonnés directs. Le champion va s'organiser pour conduire une équipe inter-entreprise pour le succès, mais l'ensemble de mon personnel devra engagement à la réussite de l'initiative. Actions de Microsoft ont progressé ce matin après l'annonce. Il s'échangeait en milieu de matinée à 35,42 $, en hausse de 72 cents. Ce post sera mis à jour avec plus d'informations que la journée se déroule. CEO Steve Ballmer (Photo from Microsoft) In a sweeping reorganization designed to further Microsoft’s transformation into a devices-and-services company, CEO Steve Ballmer today realigned the company according to function, cutting in half?the number of product divisions and centralizing other services such as marketing, finance and business development. The company will now be organized around the functions of: ?engineering (including supply chain and datacenters), marketing, business development and evangelism, advanced strategy and research, finance, human resources, legal, and COO areas (including field, support, commercial operations and IT). Within engineering, the four groups are: ?Operating Systems, Applications and Services, Cloud and Enterprise, Devices and Studios.

Missing from the list of senior leaders in the new world order is Office President Kurt DelBene, who will be retiring, Ballmer said in an??he sent to employees this morning. A notable addition to the team is Mark Penn, former Clinton advisor who joined Microsoft in 2012 to work on strategic and special projects (such as the Scroogled ad campaign against Google). Ballmer said the reorganization will help the company innovate with greater speed, efficiency and capability and will enable us to execute even better on our strategy to deliver a family of devices and services that best empower people for the activities they value most and the enterprise extensions and services that are most valuable to business. The changes, which take effect immediately, are also designed to foster more collaboration something Ballmer emphasized with the subject of his email: One Microsoft. Here s who s going to be doing what. (The title of president will no longer be used for division heads. Instead, nearly all of the senior leadership team will hold the title of executive vice president. ) Julie Larson-Green, now executive vice president of Devices and Studios In the engineering groups: Julie Larson-Green, formerly corporate vice president ?of Windows engineering, is now executive vice president of ?Devices and Studios. This group will handle all of Microsoft s hardware development and supply chain, from Xbox to Surface to keyboards and mice. Larson-Green will also be charge of all the studio experiences including games, music, video and other Qi Lu, now executive vice president of Applications and Services entertainment. Qi Lu, formerly president of Online Services division, is now executive vice president of Applications and Services. This group will handle Office, Lync, SharePoint, Skype, Yammer,?Bing and MSN. It is charged with providing apps and services in core technologies in productivity, communication and search. Terry Myerson, now executive vice president of Operating Systems Terry Myerson, formerly corporate vice president of Windows Phone division,?is now executive vice president of ?Operating Systems. That includes Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox all the operating systems for consoles, mobile devices, PCs and back-end systems. It also includes the core cloud services for each of the operating systems. Satya Nadella, now executive vice president of Cloud and Enterprise Satya Nadella, formerly president of Server Tools business, is?now executive vice president of Cloud and Enterprise. This group will lead development of back-end and enterprise IT technologies such as SQL Server, Windows Azure and System Center. It will also lead datacenter development, construction and operation. In the other groups (what Ballmer refers to as disciplines ): Tony Bates, formerly president of Skype,?is now executive vice president of ?business development and evangelism. He will focus on corporate strategy, Microsoft s key partnerships (including those with Nokia, Yahoo and PC and device manufacturers), and reaching out to developers. His group will also work on business development efforts that were previously the work of the product divisions. Lisa Brummel, executive vice president, continues to lead human resources. Amy Hood, executive vice president, continues to be chief financial officer. She will also centralize all product group finance organizations. Mark Penn, formerly corporate vice president in charge of strategic and special projects, is now executive vice president of advertising and strategy. He will take a broad view of marketing strategy, Ballmer said in his email, and, along with Tami Reller, lead the newly centralized advertising and media functions. Tami Reller, former Windows chief marketing officer and chief financial officer, is now executive vice president of marketing. She will lead all marketing and will co-lead with Penn advertising and media. Eric Rudder, fomer chief technical strategy officer, is now executive vice president of advanced strategy and research. He will lead Microsoft Research, as well as trustworthy computing. Brad Smith continues as executive vice president and general counsel. Kirill Tatarinov, former president of Microsoft Business Solutions, is now executive vice president of Microsoft Business Solutions. This small division has mainly been responsible for Dynamics, Microsoft s customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning offerings. Tatarinov will continue to run Dynamics as is, and we will keep Dynamics separate as it continues to need special focus and represents significant opportunity, Ballmer said in his email, adding that Tatarinov s product leaders will be dotted line reports to Lu, while his marketing leader will a dotted line report to Reller and his sales leader a dotted line report to the COO group. Kevin Turner will continue as chief operating officer, focusing on?worldwide sales, field marketing, services, support, and stores as well as IT, licensing and commercial operations. Also, Rick Rashid, current head of Microsoft Research, will move into a new role driving core OS innovation in our operating systems group, Ballmer said in the email. Craig Mundie, senior advisor to the CEO, will be working on a special project for Ballmer through the end of this year, and in 2014 will work as a consultant until his previously announced retirement at the end of that year. Ballmer, in his email, also outlined how people in the company are expected to work together in this new structure: Process wise, each major initiative of the company (product or high-value scenario) will have a team that spans groups to ensure we succeed against our goals. Our strategy will drive what initiatives we agree and commit to at my staff meetings. Most disciplines and product groups will have a core that delivers key technology or services and then a piece that lines up with the initiatives. Each major initiative will have a champion who will be a direct report to me or one of my direct reports. The champion will organize to drive a cross-company team for success, but my whole staff will have commitment to the initiative’s success. Microsoft shares rose this morning after the announcement. It was trading mid-morning at $35.42, up 72 cents. This post will be updated with more information as the day unfolds.

[Bearbeiten] Sense 2 commune de Jim Hightower

Common Sense Jim Hightower
Il ya quelques années, lors de l'examen du projet de loi étant poussé par un ancien républicain au Sénat du Texas, le premier terme Sen Wendy Davis lui a posé une question à ce sujet. Plutôt que de répondre à cette Démocrate, cette femme, le vieux taureau répondu dédaigneusement: «J'ai du mal à entendre la voix des femmes." ... Les frackers de foutus de Big Oil sont enveloppant leurs profits sans vergogne dans notre drapeau. Dans les champs de schiste à travers le pays, vous verrez fracking plates-formes festonnées avec Old Glory, et ils ont même peindre certains de leurs plates-formes rouge, blanc et bleu. Cette ostentatoire patriotique pose est partie intégrante de la ... Les mères du monde entier ont dit à leurs enfants un milliard de fois: «Arrêtez de jouer avec votre nourriture" Je partage aujourd'hui leur frustration et je voudrais crier au emballeurs de conglomérat des vivres de l'Amérique: «Arrêtez de jouer avec notre nourriture!" En fait, ils jouent avec nos têtes, en utilisant malhonnête ... «Il va revenir aux fondamentaux», entonné un analyste de Wall Street, "l'économie s'améliore." Amélioration pour qui? Par "fondamentaux", il signifie que le marché boursier de haut vol, en plein essor bénéfices des sociétés, et haut la rémunération des dirigeants. Ce sont des signes d'une économie qui est trop lourde, pas sain. En ... Dieu merci pour le Congrès, à droite? Quand les choses deviennent hors de l'équilibre en Amérique,Latest 2013 NFL Jerseys, nous pouvons toujours compter sur nos piliers législatifs de recalibrer la balance de la justice. Prenez la cupidité, par exemple. Les barons de la rue mur qui détruisirent notre économie réelle avec leurs jeux de casino cupidité alimentés jouent e ... Nous avons une grave pénurie de logements en Amérique ces jours-ci, et le stress,FairTax et la puissance de l'espoir, il s'agit de créer pour les familles nécessiteuses se rapproche des niveaux de crise cardiaque. Saviez-vous, par exemple, que le stock de maisons de millions de dollars à Carmel, en Californie, est en baisse de seulement quatre propriétés? C'est un pour cent d 76 ... Approchez, mesdames et messieurs, et de prendre vos chances dans le nouvel espace de travail américain étonnante. Chômage constamment élevé! Les bas salaires toujours! Aucun pouvoir de négociation des salariés! Un paradis d'entreprise! Ce paradis a enrichi la déjà riche élite des investisseurs et de récompenser les cadres supérieurs à plusieurs millions d ... Partons "Cruzing" à nouveau! Oui, prendre un autre tour sauvage et fou avec moi sur la route tordue de l'esprit de Texas sénateur Ted Cruz. La nouvelle coqueluche de thé républicains parti a été élu l'an dernier, en partie en attisant la peur de droite que l'ONU envisage de saisir le golf d'Amérique ... Cela fait presque 50 ans que la pauvreté en Amérique était un problème avant-brûleur sur l'agenda politique de notre nation et il est temps de passer à nouveau. Même si ceux qui sont au sommet de notre société ont grandi fabuleusement riche durant la dernière décennie, ceux du milieu économique ont vu leurs revenus stagnation ... Celui qui dit que l'Amérique a perdu son avance technologique en matière de technologie et de fabrication n'a pas récemment ingurgité une canette de Bud. Le buzz est de retour, bébé! Eh bien, en fait, Budweiser n'est plus américain. C'est maintenant une équipe belge, appartenant à InBev, le plus grand fabricant mondial de mousse. Mais pointilleux ...

html模版Jim Hightower's Common SenseA few years ago, during consideration of a bill being pushed by a Republican elder in the Texas Senate, first-term Sen. Wendy Davis asked him a question about it. Rather than respond to this Democrat, this woman, the old bull replied dismissively: "I have trouble hearing women's voices."
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Take greed, for example. The Wall Street barons who wrecked our real economy with their greed-fueled casino games are playing th...  We have a serious housing shortage in America these days, and the stress it's creating for needy families is approaching heart-attack levels.
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This paradise has enriched the already-rich investor elite and rewarded top executives with multimillion-d...  Let's go "Cruzing" again! Yes, take another wild and crazy ride with me down the twisted road of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's mind.
The new darling of tea party Republicans got elected last year in part by stoking right-wing fear that the United Nations is planning to seize America's golf course...  It's been nearly 50 years since poverty in America was a front-burner issue on our nation's political agenda � and it's time to move it up again.
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Well, actually, Budweiser is no longer American. It's now a Belgian outfit, owned by InBev, the world's largest maker of suds. But picky...

[Bearbeiten] Kid Chef de Woodinville se dirige vers le House 0 Blanc

Photo gracieuseté de Yohko Kelley Bien sûr, Michelle Obama a la Maison Blanche le chef Sam Kass et une foule d'autres chefs de grande envergure pour promouvoir son objectif que les enfants mangent des repas plus sains. Mais un enfant réel? C'est là Ambre Kelley de Woodinville qu'intervient Ambre, 10 ans, est le gagnant de l'État de Washington d'un pays pour promouvoir ", sains abordables, original et délicieux" repas. Sur la force de son fait avec des tranches de courgettes mince coupe, elle va dîner à la Maison Blanche et le tour du jardin de la Maison Blanche avec la Première Dame et les autres gagnants du concours le 9 Juillet. «Nous avons pensé que ce serait amusant d'entrer et de voir juste ce qui s'est passé," Ambre dit avant de partir pour Washington DC "Je n'aurais jamais rêvé d'aller à la Maison Blanche." Elle a déjà eu beaucoup d'expérience dans la cuisine, même si - et à l'honneur. Pour la dernière année,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale, le cinquième niveleuse a joué dans son émission de vidéo en ligne, maintenant à l'épisode 43, et elle apparaît dans des apparitions de télévision régulières sur Q13. Elle dispense des conseils et des recettes pour les possibilités de potluck sains, pour des dîners tels que la mijoteuse dinde piment, et traite comme fudgesicles «super yummy" à base de lait d'amande avocat et non sucré. Elle fait tout avec déchiqueteuse, acclamation non forcée, ainsi que la prise de maladroit occasionnelle ou impassible à part, et avec le genre de l'authenticité que seul un 10-year-old peut afficher lorsque céder à l'attraction irrésistible de tenir une banane téléphone à son oreille avant de le transformer en un dessert de la santé »fronana". Ambre a dit qu'elle a été la cuisson dans la cuisine avec maman Yokho, un coach bien-être (et pas ailleurs, un concepteur chez Adobe dans son travail de jour), aussi loin qu'elle se souvienne. Avec sa mère et son père, Joe, son enseignement sur la vie saine: «Je pensais que ce serait cool pour les enfants d'apprendre que, aussi. J'ai demandé à ma mère de faire une émission de cuisine à ce sujet, et elle n'a pas eu le temps, je l'ai fait »Ses objectifs pour show sujets sont sains, faciles, les aliments que les enfants peuvent faire -." Et, bien sûr, délicieux, qui C'est à peu près le point. "Pour son épisode sur la lasagne gagnante, elle expérimente avec différentes épaisseurs de tranches de courgettes, comme absorbés comme n'importe quel enfant en prise avec un projet de foire scientifique cool, qui plus ou moins été, avec un côté de mozzarella râpée et un shoutout pour l'huile de pépins de raisin. Comment sait-elle quand un plat est kid-friendly? C'est, Amber a reconnu, la partie difficile. Comme un gamin qui aime tous les types d'aliments - bifteck de flanc mariné est un favori, tout comme la salade César et légumes grillés - elle sait qu'elle goût "si c'est juste moi (aimer un plat), peut-être que je suis juste bizarre." tests sur ses 7 ans, soeur, Lexi, et sur ses amis, pour s'assurer que la recette aura un large appel. (Surveillants du Challenge National, co-parrainé par, ont dit qu'ils n'ont pas les commentaires des juges pour ce qui a rendu le plat un succès.) En plus jeunes jours de cuisson d'Amber - nous parlons probablement maternelle ici "J'ai fait cuire un beaucoup, mais il était toujours juste aider ma mère. J'ai toujours été juste son sous-chef ", dit-elle. Maintenant, elle gère beaucoup sur elle-même. Lors de l'émission, elle est confortable sauteeing viande ou couper de gros morceaux d'oignons en morceaux plus petits, mais dit toujours aux enfants de demander aux adultes de l'aide en cas de besoin. Sa propre mère est derrière la caméra, à l'origine d'un iPad, agissant comme superviseur de la sécurité ainsi que vidéaste et co-éditeur. (Un talentueux parent qui n'a pas été présenté sur le salon? Son oncle, chef pâtissier à Barking Frog à Woodinville. Ce serait trop difficile à faire ses desserts répondent à tous les critères de spectacle.) Ambre a dit qu'elle a appris sur présentation ainsi que la cuisine avertis durant l'année écoulée. Au début, sans se rendre compte de l'impact de l'Internet, «Je n'ai pas sourire beaucoup ou qui parle fort. Maintenant, il est beaucoup plus facile de le faire », dit-elle. Elle aimerait continuer avec le spectacle et apporter son message à un public plus large. (La Première Dame semble un bon début.) Jusqu'à présent, elle n'a jamais eu de problème à trouver des idées. "Je pense qu'une partie de celui-ci est, nous devons manger", dit sa mère. "Chaque jour,Iwakuma ravi de rejoindre Felix à New York pour T, il se lève. Ce n'est pas comme la gymnastique où, si vous déposez vous ne pensez jamais à ce sujet. "(Ambre dit qu'elle n'aime vraiment gymnastique aussi, et la natation.« J'aime être à l'extérieur et j'aime bouger ».) La mère d'Amber a dit que d'abord elle ne pense pas que quiconque puisse voir le spectacle. "Puis j'ai réalisé que la popularité de ce devenait" dit-elle. «Nous essayons de ne pas être trop public, mais c'est un tout nouveau territoire pour moi." La nourriture et la personne sont les mêmes, Amber a déclaré, que ce soit à l'écran ou non. "Je fais cuire les mêmes types d'aliments. La différence est, il me prend plus de temps, parce que vous n'avez pas tout mis en place avant. Je ne vais pas regarder la caméra, et je n'ai pas à parler fort, ce qui est agréable, mais - je ne sais pas. Il ne s'agit pas de sortir pour un million de personnes à visiter ou quoi que ce soit. C'est juste moi ". Photo courtesy of Yohko Kelley Sure, Michelle Obama has White House Chef Sam Kass and a host of other high-profile chefs to promote her goal that kids eat more healthful meals. But an actual kid? That’s where Amber Kelley of Woodinville comes in. Amber, 10, is the Washington state winner of a nationwide to promote “healthy, affordable, original, and delicious” meals. On the strength of her made with thin-cut zucchini slices, she’ll dine at the White House and tour the White House garden with the First Lady and other contest winners on July 9. “We thought it would be fun to enter and just see what happened,” Amber said before heading to Washington D.C. “I never would have dreamed of going to the White House.” She’s already had plenty of experience in the kitchen, though — and in the spotlight. For the past year, the fifth-grader has starred in her online video show, now at episode 43, and she appears in regular TV guest spots on Q13. She dispenses advice and recipes for healthful potluck possibilities, for dinners such as slow-cooker turkey chili, and for treats such as “super yummy” fudgesicles using avocado and unsweetened almond milk. She does it all with chipper, unforced cheer, plus the occasional goofy take or deadpan aside, and with the kind of genuineness that only a 10-year-old can display when giving in to the irresistible pull to hold a banana-phone to her ear before turning it into a health-friendly “fronana” dessert. Amber said she’s been cooking in the kitchen with mom Yokho, a wellness coach (and, not incidentally, a designer at Adobe in her day job), as far back as she can remember. With her mother and her father, Joe, teaching her about healthful living, “I thought it would be cool for kids to learn that, too. I asked my mom to do a cooking show about that, and she didn’t have time, so I did.” Her goals for show topics are healthful,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, easy, foods that kids can make — “and, of course, yummy, which is pretty much the point.” For her episode on the winning lasagna, she experiments with different thicknesses of zucchini slices, as engrossed as any engaging kid with a cool science fair project, which it more or less was, with a side of shredded mozzarella and a shoutout for grapeseed oil. How does she know when a dish is kid-friendly? That is, Amber acknowledged, the hard part. As a kid who loves all types of food — marinated flank steak is a favorite, as is Caesar salad and grilled vegetables — she knows that “if it’s just me (liking a dish), maybe I’m just weird.” She taste-tests on her 7-year-old sister, Lexi, and on her friends, to make sure the recipe will have broad appeal. (Overseers of the national challenge, co-sponsored by, said they don’t have judges’ comments for what made the dish a success.) In Amber’s younger cooking days — we’re probably talking kindergarten here “I cooked a lot, but it was always just helping my mom. I was always just her sous chef,” she said. Now she handles a lot on her own. On the show, she’s comfortable sautéeing meat or chopping big chunks of onions into smaller ones, but always tells kids to ask adults for help when needed. Her own mom is behind the camera, originally an iPad, serving as safety supervisor as well as videographer and co-editor. (One talented relative who hasn’t been featured on the show? Her uncle, , pastry chef at Barking Frog in Woodinville. It would be too tough to make his desserts meet all the show criteria.) Amber said she’s learned about presentation as well as kitchen savvy over the past year. In the beginning, not realizing the impact of the Internet, “I didn’t smile that much or talk that loud. Now it’s a lot easier to do that,” she said. She’d like to continue with the show and bring her message to a wider audience. (The First Lady seems a good start.) So far, she’s never had a problem coming up with ideas. “I think a part of it is, we have to eat,” her mother said. “Every day it comes up. It’s not like gymnastics where if you drop it you never think about it.” (Amber said she does really like gymnastics too, and swimming. “I like to be outdoors and I like to move.”) Amber’s mother said that at first she didn’t think anyone would watch the show. “Then I realized how popular this was getting ” she said. “We try not to be too public, but this is a whole new territory for me.” The food and the person are the same, Amber said, whether on-screen or off. “I cook the same types of food. The difference is, it takes me longer, because you don’t have it all set up before. I’m not staring at the camera, and I don’t have to talk loud, which is nice, but — I don’t know. It’s not going out for a million people to see or anything. It’s just me.”

[Bearbeiten] Kister magistrale pour AIA lors de la victoire sur Dayton 0

Kister magistrale pour AIA lors de la victoire sur Dayton
7/4/2013 12:40:00 AMKister magistrale pour AIA lors de la victoire sur DaytonBy JOHN BOMBATCHContributing Writer XENIA Le Californien du Collège du maître était assez magistrale. Xenia Scouts lanceur Tommy Kister limité la Docs Dayton à une paire de résultats pour une victoire de 3-0, mercredi soir à Grady son domaine sur les athlètes dans les sports d'action complexes. Scouts entraîneur Jeff James dit Kister, un droitier solide qui joue au ballon collège de l'université de la maîtrise à Santa Clarita, en Californie, a été une partie solide de la rotation de tangage de Xenia cette saison. Il s été formidable pendant toute la saison pour nous, a dit James. Il est sorti de l'université en tant que plus d'un proche, il s nous a pris un peu de temps pour lui d'étendre compter ses pas et de devenir un starter pour nous. Mais il s'est adapté rapidement, et il s été jetant vraiment super pour nous depuis. Kister a connu un match parfait en passant par les 4 2/3 premières manches de travail, mais d'ici là, les Scouts (9-13) avait déjà marqué deux fois. Je savais qu'ils allaient balancer à beaucoup de premiers emplacements, et donc je suis allé là-bas et ont attaqué la zone de frappe tôt, Kister dit. J'ai gardé mon nombre de lancers bas et ma défense fait un excellent travail derrière moi. Un exemple de la grande défense qui a été joué derrière lui est venu en cinquième manche. Brady Stewart de Dayton avait rebondi un court dribbleur sur toute la ligne au troisième but qui semblait être un coup sûr. Mais Scouts joueur de troisième but Zachary Gilcrease facturés en chronométrés et le rebond de l'endroit où il pouvait s'emparer du ballon rapidement avec sa main de lancer, puis zing une balle à jeter joueur de premier but Lincoln Reid pour le sortir. Il est beaucoup plus facile de jeter des grèves quand vous savez que vous avez les gars qui jouent de tout leur cœur sur la défense comme Zach a fait sur ce jeu, Kister dit. Il a fait une grande pièce. Docs skipper Chip Schaffner est allé et a serré la main de Kister après le match. Il était certainement le! Schaffner dit. Tout d'abord, le travail du lanceur est de lancer des grèves et que c'est ce qu'il a fait. Deuxième tâche est de nous éloigner des vitesses d'équilibre et de changement, et il a certainement fait cela. Je ne sais pas si c'était son meilleur match jamais, mais c'est l'une des meilleures performances que je n'ai vu d'un lanceur - surtout en cette Lacs Summer League Collegiate Grande - toute la saison. Vous avez obtenu d'incliner votre chapeau à un gars quand il tourne à une sortie comme ça. Xenia a marqué deux fois en troisième manche. Première Evan Robinson a obtenu sur la base d'une seule carie, puis Cory Reid a obtenu sur la base d'une promenade. Après Colby Johnson a avancé les coureurs avec un amorti sacrifice, Lucas Salerno et Joey Miller qui les poussait dans le dos-à-dos singles. Salerno s été à venir à travers pour nous dans l'embrayage comme ça, chaque fois qu'il a l'occasion d'apporter quelques pistes. Et Miller s commencent à venir autour et trouver d'autres moyens pour faire avancer les coureurs. Il est bon de le voir avoir du succès sur les choses qu'il s été travailler, dit James. Salerno claqué son troisième coup du jeu en septième manche pour marquer Cory Reid de la troisième à la troisième course de Xenia de la partie. En tout, Xenia a accumulé neuf coups sûrs et a laissé neuf coureurs sur les buts. Les frappeurs ont travaillé dur sur l'adaptation aux chauves-souris en bois, et ils avez fait les ajustements qu'ils ont dû faire,Latest 2013 NFL Jerseys, dit James. Maintenant il commence à montrer sur le tableau de bord. Nous pouvons gagner avec tangage et de défense, mais il est agréable de voir nous créons plus d'occasions de marquer offensivement aussi. Dayton tombe à 11-10 avec la perte. Xenia revient à l'action cet après-midi pour un concours pm 1 à domicile contre les première place Southern Ohio copperheads.

html模版Kister masterful for AIA in win over Dayton7/4/2013 12:40:00 AMKister masterful for AIA in win over DaytonBy JOHN BOMBATCHContributing Writer

XENIA The Californian from The Master s College was quite masterful.

Xenia Scouts pitcher Tommy Kister limited the Dayton Docs to a pair of hits for a 3-0 win, Wednesday night at Grady s Field on the Athletes In Action sports complex.

Scouts coach Jeff James says Kister, a solid righthander who plays college ball for The Master s College in Santa Clarita, Calif.,Néerlandais Lions continuent gagner strie, has been a solid part Xenia s pitching rotation this season.

He s been great all season for us,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale, James said. He came out of college as more of a closer, so it s taken us a little time to get him to extend his pitch count and become a starter for us. But he has adjusted fast, and he s been throwing really great for us ever since. 

Kister had a perfect game going through the first 4 2/3 innings of work, but by then the Scouts (9-13) had already scored twice.

I knew that they would swing at a lot of first pitches, and so I just went out there and attacked the strike zone early, Kister said. I kept my pitch count low and my defense did a great job behind me. 

One example of the great defense that was played behind him came in the fifth inning. Dayton s Brady Stewart had bounced a short dribbler down the third-base line that appeared to be a sure hit. But Scouts third baseman Zachary Gilcrease charged in and timed the bounce to where he could grab the ball quickly with his throwing hand, and then zing a bullet throw to first baseman Lincoln Reid for the out.

It s a lot easier to throw strikes when you know you have guys playing their hearts out on defense like Zach did on that play, Kister said. He made a great play. 

Docs skipper Chip Schaffner went over and shook Kister s hand after the game.

He definitely was on! Schaffner said. First of all, the pitcher s job is to throw strikes and that s what he did. Second job is to keep us off balance and change speeds, and he definitely did that. I don t know if that was his best outing ever, but it s one of the best performances I ve seen out of a pitcher - especially in this Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League - all season long. You ve gotta tip your cap to a guy when he turns in an outing like that. 

Xenia scored twice in the third inning. First Evan Robinson got on base with a bunt single, then Cory Reid got on base with a walk. After Colby Johnson advanced the runners with a sacrifice bunt, Lucas Salerno and Joey Miller drove them in on back-to-back singles.

Salerno s been coming through for us in the clutch like that, whenever he has the chance to bring in some runs. And Miller s starting to come around and find more ways to advance the runners. It s good to see him having success on the things he s been working on, James said.

Salerno smacked his third hit of the game in the seventh inning to score Cory Reid from third with Xenia s third run of the game.

In all, Xenia racked up nine hits and left nine runners on base.

The hitters have been working hard on adjusting to the wooden bats, and they ve made the adjustments they had to make, James said. Now it s starting to show on the scoreboard. We can win with pitching and defense, but its nice to see us create more opportunities to score offensively as well. 

Dayton falls to 11-10 with the loss.

Xenia returns to action this afternoon for a 1 p.m. home contest against the first-place Southern Ohio Copperheads.

[Bearbeiten] KC Headlines- Jonathan Baldwin Traded for A.J. Jenkins, Kans

Jun 14,Eagles training camp 2013- Michael Vick says he ne, 2013; St. Petersburg,Wholesale NFL Jerseys women, FL, USA; Kansas City Royals manager Ned Yost (3) blows a bubble in the dugout against the Tampa Bay Rays at Tropicana Field. Mandatory Credit: Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports


The Royals starting with the Chicago White Sox. First pitch is scheduled for 7:10.

Sixteen of KC s next 17 games will be against teams who are below .500 with the Rays make-up game being the only winning team the Royals will face. The need for the Royals to dominate the next two weeks is critical if they want any shot at earning the second wild card spot.

breaking down the math of the Royals playoff chances. Essentially, the Royals are going to have to win about 91 games this season if they want to be in the wild card discussion. This means the Royals are going to have to finish the season 27-12 in order to get to magic number of 91. That s not going to be easy. This is why the Royals need to win as many games as they can during this soft part of their schedule.

Another 17 of 20 stretch is what Kansas City needs in order to get to the 27-12 baseline. The reality is pulling off another stretch like that seems unlikely at best. Odds are against the Royals right now, but that s no different than they were a month ago.

Hey, anything can happen.

THE CHIEFS traded Jonathan Baldwin to the San Francisco 49ers yesterday for A.J Jenkins. Jenkins was San Francisco s first round pick in 2012 but only appeared in four games. He is still looking for his first NFL reception.


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[Bearbeiten] 10th Best Recruiting Class in MAC

When you think of the 10th best recruiting class in the MAC, the teams that come to mind would be Akron, UMass, or Eastern Michigan. You definitely would not think of the conference's runner up. Yes,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, that's right. According to , the Kent State Golden Flashes ranked 10 out of the 13 teams in the MAC in terms of their 2013 recruiting class.

After possibly falling one game short of a BCS bowl game,[1], how could Kent State merely secure the 10th best recruiting class in the whole MAC? An 11-3 season is definitely the opposite of a disappointment, and no team would deny that (except for maybe Nick Saban).

The reason for this is unknown to me. I viewed Kent State as an up and coming MAC program that could possibly match up against larger programs in the future. I,Wholesale NFL Jerseys women, for one, have to admit that I am also disappointed, not only because they have an awesome mascot, the GOLDEN FLASHES, but I was also looking forward to what was coming with the Kent State football program. I mean who doesn't love to watch a fellow MAC team knock off an SEC or Big Ten school, regardless of your favorite team.

After stumbling upon that article, I felt that it was necessary to share my thoughts with my fellow MAC lovers. Let me know what you all think of this.

Who do you think will be the most improved team in the MAC in the 2013 season?

[Bearbeiten] Henlopen North football preview- New coaches stress the posi

Dante Jones and Kevin Smith have both changed their addresses in hopes of reinvigorating a couple of football programs that reside in the perennially difficult Henlopen Conference Northern Division. Jones, 37,First woman member of the NYSE Siebert dies at 80, accepted the coaching job at Dover High while Smith, 36, took over the reins of a Polytech team that has struggled in recent seasons. Jones has lived in Baltimore most of his life, while Smith is a native of Virginia. But both have winning track records that could help their teams compete against rivals such as Caesar Rodney, Sussex Central, Cape Henlopen, Smyrna and Sussex Tech. Jones got a taste of that in Dover when he played defensive back for Delaware State University?s football team from 1995-2000. ?It?s a change of environment, a better place to raise your family, and great football,? Jones said of Dover. ?They really take athletics very serious and they put more into their sports.? Jones had been the head coach of Baltimore?s Edmonson-Westside High team since 2004. His teams went 53-27 and advanced to the Maryland Class 2A state championship in 2006. He also served as the school?s athletic director. Jones strongly believes he can establish a new winning tradition at Dover, a school that seems to always produce outstanding individual athletes but struggles to win consistently as a team. Last year?s highly touted Senators went 4-5. ?It?s been a good transition,? said Jones. ?It started last month so we?ve had plenty of time to get things together and everything?s coming together very well. We worked out all summer so nothing surprises me and the hard work is starting to pay off.? Smith said he knows very little about Polytech?s football past, which includes a 1-9 record last year and a combined 10-40 mark over the past five seasons. ?I think it?s great with me coming in not knowing [about the team] and just installing my philosophies both offensively and defensively, and people philosophies, and just trying to be competitive and get some wins,? Smith said. ?It?s been a very good transition,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale,? he added. ?I was fortunate enough to be able to hire a terrific staff with a lot of football knowledge and coaching knowledge.? (Page 2 of 2)
Smith spent the last four seasons as the head coach at Woodbridge (Va.) High. The Vikings went 29-19 and reached the regional playoffs in three of those seasons. He doesn?t see any reason why he can?t experience the same success at Polytech. ?I?m very happy with the work ethic so far,? said Smith, a former four-year starter at quarterback at Towson (1995-98). ?Just work hard and make sure that we?re ready both as a staff and players, make sure that the kids are put into the best position to succeed, both by position and by scheme, and if we work hard and have good discipline, the wins will come along with it.? One thing is for certain,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, the players at both Dover and Polytech all seem to be looking forward to getting fresh starts under their new coaches. Dover senior Nick Spadafino, who will start at quarterback, says the response from the players has been nothing but positive. ?The mindset is the sky?s the limit as long as we do our part in playing and playing hard and executing,? Spadafino said. ?[Coach Jones has] been pretty smooth going and just getting everybody working hard and getting into the mindset that we can do anything, we?ve just got to put our mind to it.? Meanwhile, there are 70 players at preseason camp at Polytech learning the ins and outs of Smith and his staff. ?He?s great. He?s exactly what we needed,? senior Kevin Forsyth said of Smith. ?He?s been positive and upbeat. He?s come in and gotten in everything he thinks he needs to get done. ?He?s out here doing what he thinks is right and he?s got us working well. We?re all responding positively and we?re all getting out here and doing hard work.? That?s one thing that Jones and Smith have in common ? both are big on stressing the positives. ?Pretty much the dedication we put in this offseason shows that we?re a different team with a different mindset,? Jones said. ?We?re really putting it all together. Hard work, dedication and discipline ? that?s what it takes.? Smith has an added challenge this season because Polytech moved from the Henlopen South (smaller schools) to the northern division (larger schools) in the offseason. That doesn?t appear to faze the new coach. ?It?s going to be quite a challenge from what I hear but we line up 11 on 11 and we?ll still coach them the same way ? it doesn?t matter who we play,? Smith said.


[Bearbeiten] 2013 MAC Football Season Preview- Bowling Green Falcons

The have traveled a long road over the last three seasons.  After BGSU rebounding from a 1-4 start to make the Humanitarian Bowl in Dave Clawson's first season,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, many great players including and departed.  In 2010, the Falcons used a lineup of mostly first- and second-year players and the bottom fell out, as the team crawled to a 2-10 finish.  As those players developed, the team improved.  The Falcons won three more games in 2011 to finish 5-7, and three of those losses came by a touchdown or less.  Many saw a breakthrough coming in 2012.

A breakthrough is what Bowling Green fans received.  Again, the Falcons improved by three wins and appeared in the Military Bowl against San Jose State.  Among the team's eight wins was a six-game winning streak in which the Falcons allowed a total of 47 points.  Of their five losses, only one was by more than 13 points, and BGSU even played toe-to-toe with eventual 11-2 Florida into the fourth quarter.  The 2012 edition of the Falcons led the MAC in every meaningful defensive category and produced a sixth-round pick in defensive lineman Chris Jones.

The great news for Bowling Green fans is that the road doesn't end there.  Despite the losses of 2012 seniors Chris Jones and , as well as the unexpected departures of players such as and , the Falcons return 17 starters from the 2012 team.  With experience and talent all over the field, media and fans alike expect BGSU to take another big step forward.  What does that mean?  The only things left to do are win the MAC East, win the MAC Championship game, and win a bowl game.  Given the make-up of this team, anything short of achieving those goals will be seen as a disappointment.

If history is an indicator, don't bet against Dave Clawson's team making those goals a reality.  Clawson has made a habit of four-year projects as a head coach.  In his first coaching stop at Fordham, he went 0-11 in 1999.  Three seasons later, his best team went 10-3 and played in the Division I-AA (FCS) quarterfinals.  At Richmond, his 2004 team went 3-8.  Three seasons later, his best team at Richmond went 11-3 and played in the FCS semifinals.  This is the third season since Clawson's 2-10 team in 2010, so if the pattern holds, this should be his best season at BGSU.

So, how is Bowling Green going to make their dreams happen?  Let's break down the position groups...

Quarterbacks: beat Matt Johnson in fall camp for the starting job, but the three-year incumbent shouldn't get comfortable.  A poor performance or two early in the season could mean a switch to Johnson.  Schilz threw for 3,024 yards and 28 touchdowns as a sophomore, but those numbers dropped to 2,585 and 14 as a junior.  For the Falcons to prosper, they need the 2011 Schilz to show up.  If a switch is made, Johnson appears to have the talent needed, but he has only 28 regular season attempts in his career.

Running Backs: Given the talent and experience of guys like , and , it says a lot that redshirt sophomore Travis Greene was named BGSU's starting tailback.  Greene has all of one carry in his career, but he showed explosive ability in fall camp and could prove to be a game-changer for the Falcon offense.  Despite this move, expect Givens, Hopgood and Martin to all get carries.  A wildcard here could be true freshman Fred Coppet.  In the team's second fall scrimmage, he had an exciting kickoff return for a touchdown (called back by penalty) and could see action in a Dri Archer-type fashion.

Wide Receivers: This is one of the deepest, most talented groups of wideouts the Falcons have ever had.  , and are the starters.  Joplin and Burbrink combined for 79 catches last year, while the 6-4/223 Gallon is the heir apparent to Freddie Barnes and .  Gallon had 54 catches, 720 yards and 6 touchdowns as a freshman and could be in line for a huge season if Schilz plays to form.  and are finally healthy and ready to contribute, and Schilz can also count on others such as and .

Tight Ends: (6'4"/257) enters his final season with BGSU as a potentially dangerous weapon.  His 36 catches, 410 yards and 3 touchdowns in 2012 were all career-bests, and he poses big match-up problems over the middle for almost every team.  Redshirt freshman , virtually identical in size to Bayer, will be the backup.  Tyler Beck and will also play, as they will primarily help out the running game by serving time at fullback.

Offensive Line: This is one area of transition for the Falcons, and that could spell some trouble.  The team is secure on the interior.  Returning starters and will start at guard, while David Kekuewa anchors the line at center.  Kekuewa, also known as "Chief", is on the Rimington Award watch list and was named third-team Preseason All-MAC by Phil Steele.  However, the tackle positions feature new starters.  Gone are Jordan Roussos and Fahn Cooper.  In their place are two redshirt freshmen -- Jacob Bennett and .  How well BGSU's offense performs in 2013 will rest in large part with these two, especially Bennett, who will protect Schilz's blind side.

Defensive Line: Despite losing NFL draftee Chris Jones, this is one of the most talented and stable groups on the team.  Three of four 2012 starters return, including both defensive ends.  Bryan Thomas and combined for 67 tackles and 6 sacks last season.  Also back is defensive tackle (who is famous for ).  Ouellet finished 2012 with 3 sacks and 35 tackles of his own.  Stepping into the spot vacated by Chris Jones is senior .  Campbell played in just 3 games last year but played in 12 during the 2010 and 2011 seasons.  If any of the starters get hurt, experienced players such as , and Zach Colvin can step in.

Linebackers: This is another group that, despite the loss of a big-time contributor,A Cronulla grand final victory- Heaven forbid, should not lose a step.  Gone is Dwayne Woods, but two other 2012 starters are ready to pick up the slack.  Number one on that list is .  Martin posted 70 tackles, 4.5 sacks, an interception and 2 forced fumbles last season, and the junior is poised to do even better as the starting rover.  Senior Paul Swan had impressive numbers of his own with 65 tackles, a sack and a forced fumble in 2012 and will anchor the middle this season.  will also start this season.  Despite not starting last year, he played in all 13 games with 63 tackles, 2 sacks and 3 passes broken up.  After those three, experience comes up a little short.  Backups include (a JC transfer), Coy Brown (6 games in 2012) and Justin Ford (7 games in 2012).

Secondary: You know you have a deep, rock-solid group when you lose two experienced players and barely even blink.  DeVon McKoy transferred and could be lost for the season due to injury, but this group is likely the best the Falcons have to offer.  , Jerry Gates and are all returning starters (and they've combined for 80 career starts).  Those three combined for 167 tackles, 2 interceptions and 12 PBUs in 2012.  Gates, with the MAC's best nickname (BooBoo), is also a threat in the kick return game.  is a backup safety but led all returners with four interceptions, while fellow backup safety had 31 tackles and an interception of his own.  Backup corners and also bring significant game experience.

Special Teams: This group is perhaps more stable than at any other time in Clawson's tenure at BGSU.  was a second-team All-MAC performer at punter last year.  He posted a 40.8 average and 24 of his 72 punts (33%) were downed inside the opponents' 20 yard line.  Of his 72 punts, a total of 18 (25%) were 50 yards or more.  is expected to be the team's starting kicker.  Tate made 7-of-10 field goals last year, including both attempts in the Military Bowl.  Sophomore Anthony Farinella (58.0 average, 7 touchbacks) is the Falcons' kickoff specialist.  Returners will be Gates and Burbrink.  Gates averaged 19.4 yards per kickoff return and had an 80 yard punt return for a touchdown in 2012, while Burbrink averaged 8.9 yards per punt return.

Now, how about that schedule:

August 29th (7:00pm) -- TULSA September 7th (12:00pm) -- at Kent State September 14th (12:00pm) -- at Indiana September 21st (3:30pm) -- MURRAY STATE September 28th (TBA) -- AKRON October 5th (3:30pm) -- MASSACHUSETTS October 12th (TBA) -- at Mississippi State October 26th (TBA) -- TOLEDO November 5th (8:00pm) -- at Miami November 12th (7:30pm) -- OHIO November 23rd (1:00pm) -- at Eastern Michigan November 29th (1:30pm) -- at Buffalo (Ralph Wilson Stadium) For the non-conference games, I think Bowling Green would take a 2-2 record and be happy with it.  It would be great if the Falcons could beat Tulsa and then pull an upset at either Indiana or Mississippi State -- and that's certainly not out of the question -- but one win out of those three would be just fine.

The MAC slate is very interesting.  At home, the Falcons have two games (back-to-back) that they should have no problem winning, versus Akron and UMass.  However, they also have two very difficult games against Toledo and Ohio.  It could be argued that those could be BGSU's two most difficult MAC games of the season.  Fortunately for the Orange and Brown, those two are at home.  The Falcons have winnable road games at Miami and Eastern Michigan, but in my opinion, their entire season will probably come down to their road games at Kent State and Buffalo.  If they win those two games, the Falcons will almost certainly play for the MAC East title against Ohio.  If they lose one (or both), they're probably not going to win the division.

Since 2010,Latest 2013 NFL Jerseys, the Bowling Green Falcons have gotten better and better at every step of the journey over the last three seasons.  This year is the culmination of that journey, and there is absolutely no indication that this team is not capable of achieving all of their goals.  Yes, there are questions about the offensive line, how the younger players will perform when placed in key roles, and whether or not Matt Schilz can return to his 2011 form.  However, a lights-out defense should smooth out any bumps the offense might face along the way, and I'm betting that the 2012 Schilz was a mirage, not a trend.  This team should win 8-10 games and once again be right there with Ohio at the top of the MAC East.

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[Bearbeiten] Canzano- Blazers F Dorell Wright Ready For Bench Role, Open

John Canzano of The Oregonian pens  on new Portland Trail Blazers forward Dorell Wright,Wholesale NFL Jerseys women, covering topics from life as a father to his role in Portland next season.

Wright talked on Friday about signing with the Blazers. While he believes he'll compete for a starting position, Wright is the rare NBA player who isn't disillusioned, out of touch, or simply here to say what he thinks he's supposed to say so you'll like him. Wright said, "I know what I can do. I know what I can bring. But I see myself as a guy who comes in off the bench; knocking down threes,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, being a stretch-four."


"When you're coming off the bench, you gotta be ready right away, you gotta have 2-3 heat packs on your legs and be ready at all times. You gotta be ready, you always gotta be ready."

Audio of an interview between Canzano and Wright that aired on 750 AM The Game can be found .

, Wright discussed his role and expectations with Kerry Eggers of the Portland Tribune.

"I want to come off the bench,Could this be the funniest wedding ever-," he says. "When training camp starts, I'll get in there and compete, but the guys who have been here have already established themselves. They've been playing well the past few years. (The Blazers) struggled because they didn't have a strong bench. I don't think that will be the case this season."

Wright says his versatility will pay off for the Blazers. "I'm a 1 through 4, to tell you the truth," he says. "I'm a point forward. I make plays for my teammates. I can shoot the 3. I can be an undersized 4, pick and pop and put pressure on the defense with outside shooting."

The Blazers signed Wright to a two-year deal reportedly worth $6 million .

Wright, 27, averaged 9.2 points, 3.8 rebounds and 1.9 assists per game off the bench for the Philadelphia 76ers last season.

A first-round pick in the 2004 NBA Draft, Wright has spent his nine-year career with the Miami Heat, Golden State Warriors and 76ers. He led the NBA in three-pointers made and attempted in 2010-11 with the Warriors and is a career 36.7 percent three-point shooter.

PS Thanks to Andrew Challoner in .

-- Ben Golliver | [email protected]

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[Bearbeiten] Cardinals vs. Broncos preview- 5 things to watch in preseaso

It's the last preseason game (thank God) and there are plenty of positional battles left to watch play out, but what are the three that fans should be watching most closely tonight?

Wide Receiver number four:

The position that most of us had penciled in as Ryan Swope's to lose before training camp even started, has become one of the better positional battles, and a semi important one because of the lack of dynamic play from the tight ends, as well as the fact that they are one play away from being the number three receiver in an offense that relies heavily on three receiver sets.

was the player that most saw as the likeliest candidate, but  and  have both had excellent preseasons,Hot Sale 2013 Latest NFL Jerseys, and while they may all make the roster,Latest 2013 NFL Jerseys, whoever ends up next on the depth chart is what will be most important.

Can play his way onto the team?

Jefferson was the talk of the preseason, and not just amongst Cardinals fans, as (paid subscription) has Jefferson as the top rated safety so far in the preseason.

Jefferson's battle is that he won't make the roster as the third safety, barring injury, and doesn't offer anything in special teams as the fourth safety, so he needs to put on another big display in his final game of the preseason to show the coaches they can't afford to keep him off this roster.

, , and : who stays?

If the Cardinals are to go strictly on play, the winners of this battle are Lumpkin, albeit in very limited snaps, and Talley, with the odd men out of Rucker and Scott.

The problem becomes that Rucker is one of the few depth guys with any NFL game experience, and Lumpkin has been battling a high ankle injury most of the preseason.

Lumpkin and Talley both offer flexibility to play the ends or the nose, which helps the Cardinals not have to keep as many players, but they will need to earn it.

Does Jay Feely keep his job?

Rumor has it the Cardinals are interested in two other kickers, via Mike Jurecki.

Feely has been underwhelming in the preseason, but he tends to run hot and cold, and if he gets his cold spell out of him early, things could be looking up.

There wasn't a move made yet, which makes it hard to project someone coming in and taking his spot, but if he has another bad night, anything is possible.

,Rail fears- Fatigue, crew size, retrofitting, or ?

This is going to be a terrible decision any way it turns out, but the winner will be the primary back up at the guard position.

Rachal has been terrible in both pass blocking and run blocking, while Gibson and Kelemete have both looked better as pass blockers, and struggled in the run game, but Rachal has the leg up in the experience department.

The last things to watch is simply how plays, and whether he plays well enough to keep himself on the 53 man roster, if runs hard, does he force the Cardinals to keep five running backs, or does he bait a team into giving up a draft pick for him?

This last game has many interesting lines to watch, even if it won't show us much to what we have to look forward to for the Cardinals season.

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[Bearbeiten] Klout Deletes Martin Luther King, Jr. Tweet After Widespread

By Sara Morrison

Klout may be social media experts but its social media team could use some work.

The day after the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. s historic I have a dream speech (and the day after the Golf Channel made a similar social media screwup), Klout told a curious follower that MLK would definitely have had an awesome Klout score had he not been tragically assassinated decades before the invention of social media.

Also read:

On Wednesday, Twitter user that MLK would have had an awesome Klout score.

The next day, Klout responded: definitely! at which point the Twittersphere collectively face-palmed.

Klout s tweet was deleted about an hour later.

The tweet was written with the best of intentions,This One Photo Of Rihanna Sums Up How Everyone Felt About Mi, but was in poor taste and removed shortly after it was posted, a company spokesperson told . It was an honest mistake and we sincerely apologize. 

, on the other hand,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale, remains proud of her tweet, : I have never received so much hate for giving MLK credit about his social reach. Sorry world and thank you .

It wasn t all bad news for Klout, however:

I just gave a +K on for deleting tweets about MLK.

Old Hoss Radbourn (@OldHossRadbourn) 

Klout wasn t the only brand with a tone-deaf MLK tweet,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, of course. The Golf Channel deleted and apologized for its tweet on Wednesday that asked followers to tweet their golf dreams in honor of MLK s dream for racial equality. And Hardee s its support of the civil rights leader, saying: We cannot walk alone. - #MartinLutherKingJr Fifty years later, we still cannot... #ihaveadream #50thAnniversary #inspiration

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[Bearbeiten] Buffalo Bills' Stephon Gilmore injury from Patriots perspect

Big news came out of Buffalo yesterday, as the team is now planning on , an undrafted rookie, to start at quarterback against the Patriots in Week 1.

For some historical perspective, Tuel would be the first undrafted rookie quarterback to start in Week 1 in the common era of the NFL (1967 and beyond).

But Tuel was the focus of only one major storyline yesterday, as the Bills also announced that second-year cornerback would miss six-to-eight weeks due to a fractured wrist.

Gilmore, just 22, is arguably the Bills' best defensive player and one of the top young cornerbacks in the NFL. While he sits, the Bills are expected to start at one cornerback spot and at the other.

The team has rolled through a roulette of other options during training camp for depth purposes,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, including , and .

The safety position, on paper, is solidified, as can pair with top free safety , though Byrd remains disgruntled over an offseason that saw no contract extension for the team's franchise tag player.

With Patriots tight end unlikely to play in the season opener, the projected starting units for each team may look like this:

Patriots receivers in 11 personnel vs. Bills nickel defense

RCB: Leodis McKelvin
LCB: Crezdon Butler
SCB: Ron Brooks
FS: Jairus Byrd
SS: Aaron Williams

Patriots receivers in 12 personnel vs,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale,Why the Cardinals Don't Think of This As a Rebuilding Year_0. Bills base defense
WR-Z: Danny Amendola
WR-X: Kenbrell Thompkins
TE-F: Zach Sudfeld

RCB: Leodis McKelvin
LCB: Crezdon Butler
FS: Jairus Byrd
SS: Aaron Williams


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[Bearbeiten] The Downbeat #1130- The Core

Look. There's like, zero Jazz news happening right now. Less than zero. Even my ace in the hole, Zach Lowe,What’s next- World debates Syria action — MSNBC, has gone an entire week without mentioning the Jazz in a column. (Actually, he did make a very small reference to the trade of in his Tuesday piece on the Blazers...but I can't make a whole Downbeat out of that.)

Nope, instead I'm going to do something incredibly nerdy. Since it's the late Jack Kirby's birthday, I'm going to compare the Jazz's mighty Core Four + to Earth's Mightiest Heroes: The Avengers. (Top image courtesy of .)

My first choice probably won't surprise you: is Captain America. Like Steve Rogers, Hayward's Boy Scout appearance belies a fierce competitive spirit, an indomitable will, and strength and speed to match any superhuman. Cap's classic shield blocks projectiles the same way that Hayward's chase-down defense blocks shots, and they both have deadly aim. Finally,Latest 2013 NFL Jerseys, they're both strategic geniuses...even if Hayward's battlefield of choice is Starcraft II or League of Legends.

is Iron Man. Nobody else on the Jazz roster has quite the same Tony Stark-ian swagger as Burks, and his multifaceted game mirrors the maneuverability and weaponry of the various suits Stark has designed. Just as Iron Man used a period in captivity to hone his inventive abilities, so will Burks have the opportunity this season to free himself from The Corbandarin's clutches and take a starring role.

The kicker? Tony and Alec are both consummate ladies' men.


is The Incredible Hulk. Quiet and emotionally withdrawn by nature, Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk when he unleashes his anger. Likewise, Favors maintains a mild-mannered nature, punctuated by bursts of sheer physical destruction. Witness:

Of course, this immense power comes with danger, too. Banner can easily lose control of the Hulk and cause damage to people and places he loves. Favors can lose control of his defensive game, causing foul trouble for his team. But with the friendship of Captain Amerihayward, Favors can be a force of nature.

They have an army. We have a Fav-O. "Derrick? SMASH."

is Thor. Though the son of Odin was born the Crown Prince of Asgard, he had to prove his worthiness to rule, changing his arrogant and somewhat irresponsible attitude. Kanter was forced to sit on the sidelines at Kentucky, deemed unworthy ineligible to rule play. But like Thor, Enes has since left his immature ways behind (at least, if ) and is ready to succeed the former king starter .

Both Thor and Enes are foreigners that have grown accustomed to the ways of strange new lands. Both are prime physical specimens. And both have undeniable gifts when it comes to women.

Glad we got to hangout before you leave, see you soon!

Kylee Annie Malone (@Kylee_Annie32) 

Trey Burke is Wolverine. In the comics, Wolverine was a late addition to the Avengers team. (Or a founder of the New Avengers, technically. Although they considered themselves the real Avengers at the time. You know what, never mind, comics are confusing.) So, too, is Trey Burke coming to an already established young Jazz team. But like Wolverine, Trey's ferocity, attitude and killer instinct cannot be denied.

Both Burke and Wolverine are shorter in stature than their peers. But they've let that disrespect fuel their desire to destroy their opponents. Both men go by pseudonyms: Trey's real first name is Alfonso, while Wolverine/"Logan" was originally named James Howlett.

And with all the national awards Burke won at Michigan as a Wolverine (I KNOW RIGHT IT'S PERFECT), there's no doubt that he's the best at what he does. But if you're an enemy...what he does isn't very nice.

Feel free to agree, disagree,Wholesale NFL Jerseys women, and/or make other roster comparisons in the comments below.

[Bearbeiten] The era of the recall

This year, gun control advocates have spent more than $1 million, and public employee unions have spent hundreds of thousands more, defending two Democratic state senators in Colorado who backed strict new background check laws. Conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity and the National Rifle Association, which drove the recall efforts in the first place, have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on their own, mostly through opaque groups organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Technology, too, is aiding those who are unhappy with their local legislators. In 2011, better voter lists and paid signature gatherers helped unions and Wisconsin Democrats gather more than 931,000 signatures far in excess of the 540,000 they needed to recall Walker.

In one Colorado district, conservative groups used an iPhone app to directly interface with the Secretary of State s voter database, which meant they could immediately check whether a voter was eligible to sign the petition, and how they should sign it (That is, the voter would be asked to sign the petition as Robert instead of Bob if their registration records reflected that name). The result: Of the 13,466 signatures turned in to the Colorado Secretary of State s office, were deemed valid, a stunningly high number.

Yes, if you want to recall your local elected official,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys on sale, there s an app for that.

While recall supporters once needed to gather many more signatures than required by law, to ensure they had enough valid entries, the new technology makes it much easier to do the work, said Laura Carno, the conservative activist behind one of the Colorado recalls. That group in Pueblo didn t have any paid signature gatherers. They did it 100 percent with volunteers, she said of the recall backers who used the app.

The dual factors of nationalized politics and new technology, say some political observers, mean an era of recalls may be at hand. If liberal and conservative activists are both taking advantage of recall laws to register their displeasure with elected officials legislative actions, few legislators are safe, and more controversial legislation will generate recall efforts.

Once a recall makes the ballot, political reality means the onus lies with the incumbent to make the case against it, rather than with the recall organizers. Polls show voters don t necessarily like the over-use of the recall, but it can be difficult to convince a voter who opposes a given effort to turn out on an irregularly-scheduled election day. Those who back recalls, and therefore ousting a given legislator from office,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, are by definition more motivated to turn out to vote. Those who oppose a recall and support the incumbent, however,'Some kids go to soccer practice, aren t always as interested.

If anybody can get 12,000 signatures, or whatever s needed to recall somebody on a singular vote that somebody s upset about, you re going to see both parties using the recall process in a very aggressive fashion, said Rick Ridder, a Colorado Democratic strategist who has watched the recalls from afar. We ll now have legislative races in even-numbered years and odd-numbered years. That s going to change the dynamic of politics in this state. 

And other states, as well. allow state legislators to be recalled from office. And as increasingly partisan state legislatures take on a growing number of controversial issues, from abortion and gay marriage to taxes and gun control, the number of activists angry enough to mount recalls is likely to increase too.

The next Republican that acts stupid, why don t I use this? mused Ridder.

[Bearbeiten] THISDAY AWARDS... When Teachers Got Their Rewards on Earth,

Pa Dotun Oyewole; former President of the United States, Mr Bill Clinton; and Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosu

From the 18th THISDAY Awards in Abeokuta, Ogun State,  Nseobong Okon-Ekong reports the instructive tales about teachers, even as former American President Bill Clinton recalls his own favourite tutors
As the helicopter conveying former American President Mr. Bill Clinton roared across the skies of Obafemi/Owode Local Government in Ogun State, scores of school children waved excitedly at the huge mechanical bird powering above them.
The eminent occupant of the chopper was heading for the June 12 Cultural Centre in Abeokuta, venue of the 18th THISDAY Awards for Excellence. About one hour later, after delivering a speech in which he dwelt on the importance of Information Communication Technology and education in resolving some of the problems facing the world, Mr. Nduka Obaigbena, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of THISDAY Newspapers and Proprietor of Arise International TV, engaged Clinton in a session of questions. It was Clinton s fourth appearance at the prestigious THISDAY Awards ceremony, the 2013 edition of which celebrated Nigeria s Best Teachers.

Clinton and His Favourite Teachers
If Clinton saw it coming, he was nonetheless taken aback for a few moments by Obaigbena s first question. Bill, who was your favourite teacher and what did you learn? His answer spoke of the clairvoyant quality of teachers as he revealed that one of his teachers had foreseen that he could become the governor of an American state. Clinton s educator based her prediction on the observation that he talked too much. This trait to chatter, she warned, would either lead him to jail or the governor s lodge, depending on whether he learns when to talk and when to shut up. This teacher of his made this remark when he was 11 years old and in the sixth grade.
Much later when Clinton became the Governor of Arkansas, he made a point of visiting the teacher who predicted his future.
Clinton who was elected the 42nd President of the United States of America and praised particularly for significantly transforming education in his home state told the audience at the 18th THISDAY Awards, which included Nigeria s former president Olusegun Obasanjo, that he could not narrow his choice of teachers to a favourite teacher as Obaigbena sought to know. Instead,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, he disclosed that he had many teachers who impacted his life. He traced his education from a Catholic Elementary School to a public school.
As the 15 awardees adjudged as deserving of honour by a panel headed by the founding MD of GT Bank Mr. Fola Adeola and former Vice President of the World Band and former Minister of Education Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili listened, Clinton wondered how he could possibly recall everyone of his teachers. He opted to exemplify the importance and impact of teachers by recalling three of his former tutors. He remembered an incident in his sixth grade when the teacher told him that he was top of the class,The Official Waiting For Next Year Podcast - Cleveland Magaz, but he would not be listed as first, but third because he talked too much.
Another teacher of Clinton he spoke of was the man who taught him science when he was 13 years. In his opinion, he was not a good-looking man at all. He was thick-set, wore thick glasses and smoked cheap cigarettes. He had the habit of telling his students that he knew that they might not remember half of what he taught them. However, he handed down to them a key that worked for him.
He said every morning after he shaved and had his bath; he would stand before his bathroom mirror and remind himself that he is beautiful. He told his students if you don t remember anything I teach you remember to speak what you will like to be to yourself. It would take you a long way, he told us his students.
But the former American President did not say if later in his life, he stood before his bathroom mirror to tell himself he would be governor of Arkansas and later President of America.

Clinton s Encounter as an 18 Year-Old
The last of his memorable teachers was the one he encountered as an 18 year-old in the university. He was a Professor of Ancient Civilisation. In Clinton s opinion, he was a brilliant man. He recalled that this professor kept hammering on the fact that each society that thrives teaches one thing, that the future is better . To Clinton, there is a moral lesson in that statement for every individual.
At 66 years, Clinton said that for him to bring to mind what he was taught at these various stages of his life (when he was 11, 13 and 18 years) demonstrated the power that teachers have.
Earlier when he began his speech, Clinton had appreciated a string quartet of youths playing on the violin and other string instruments, saying that the beautiful music made him feel that he was the president of America. This disclosure probably indicated Clinton s love for classical music.
Professor Laz Ekwueme, a renowned musicologist, actor and now a traditional ruler, also voiced his appreciation for the quartet when he came on stage to receive his Lifetime Achievement Award. The audience also enjoyed the benefit of being entertained by the band of the Ogun State Command of the Nigeria Police.

Nnamdi Asomugha, Professional Football Player
Clinton who spoke on the opportunities that are available with the application of education and ICT acknowledged that Nigerians are outstanding in many countries that they have emigrated to. He urged the Nigerian authorities to find a way of pooling these resourceful Nigerians in the Diaspora back home for the benefit of the country. He singled out for mention, Mr. Nnamdi Asomugha,Wholesale NFL Jerseys women, a professional football player in America who was visiting Nigeria with him. Asomugha was not at the THISDAY Awards as he had taken time out to visit his family. Asomugha who has a charity of his own also does a lot of work with the Clinton Global Initiative. Clinton also told the audience that Obaigbena has pledged to sponsor four Nigerian students to a forum hosted annually by him at the opening of the UN General Assembly, while also disclosing that students of the Lagos Business School will take part in a global contest featuring universities from all over the world.
At some point in his speech, Clinton had some kind of discomfort in his throat and Obaigbena who wore a flamboyant traditional Yoruba attire, left his seat on stage to offer him a glass of water. It was a foretaste of the lavish lunch that the organizers would later treat guests to once the curtain was drawn on the event, which was broadcast live on Channels Television and also enjoyed live internet streaming on THISDAY Group s sister companies, ARISE TELEVISION and ARISE NEWS.

Two Governors Singled Out for Honours
Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State who was rewarded for paying teachers in his state handsomely and for his investment in nursery education recalled his sentimental attachment to Ogun State where he enjoyed free education made possible by the late Premier of the Western Region, Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Host Governor Ibikunle Amosun also received an award for the giant strides he has recorded in education. He justified the choice of Ogun State as the host of the event, saying that the symbolism could not be lost on teachers, as the state is the gateway to knowledge having recorded such historic achievements as the seat of the first newspaper-Iwe Irohin Fun Awon Ara Egba Ati Yoruba- in the country, the first Holy Bible and the first secondary school in Nigeria.
Our administration has built on that legacy by introducing functional free education at the primary and secondary levels that includes free textbooks and instructional materials, construction and rehabilitation of school buildings, regular payment of teachers salaries, training and retraining of teachers, promotion of staff as and when due and construction of world-class model schools across the three senatorial districts of the state, he said.

Teachers Roll of Honour
The 15 teachers who were honoured by THISDAY are: Primary school teachers - Mrs. Victoria Jolayemi, Mrs. Dorothy Ugwu and Mrs. Christie Ade-Ajayi. Secondary school teachers - Rev. Father Angus Fraser, Chief D.B.E. Ossai, Mr. Yakubu S. Dimka, Chief Reuben Majekodunmi, Chief Dotun Oyewole, Mr. John O.B. Adeaga, Bawa Mohammed Faskari and Hadiza Thani Mohammed.
University lecturers - Prof. Iya Abubakar, Prof. Frank Ugiomoh, Prof. Michael Obadan and Prof. Eunice Nkiruka Uzodike- They all went home with N2 million each from the organizers.

Selection Criteria
Justifying their selection, Ezekwesili said thousands of applications were received from across the country by people who saw the THISDAY Awards for Nigeria s Best Teachers as a platform to show gratitude to some of those who contributed to who they are today. She said her committee applied a methodology to arrive at the awardees. According to her, the quality of teachers contributes 60 percent to where the students are. While urging the states and local governments to pay teachers salaries as and when due, Adeola supported the THISDAY initiative to honour this class of professionals who are with our children for a quarter of the day and for those in boarding schools eight months or even more .

Emotional Messages from Grateful Students
Adeola and Ezekwesili announced some of the emotional messages from grateful students. According to the duo, a group of students wanted their teacher honoured for teaching them Mathematics in a way that made them love the subject. There was also an entry from an 80-year old who remembered his teacher. Someone said the reason he remembers the rivers of Africa today is that his teacher made it into a song for them, Ezekwesili said. Another entry sought to have honour bestowed on his teacher for teaching him to hold his pen with his thumb and the forefinger, attributing this to the reason he writes so well today.
Some of the recipients of the award like 82-year-old Fr. Fraser whose voice still resonates clearly said he has been teaching in the Middle Belt of Nigeria since his arrival in the country 51 years ago from his native St. Vincent in the Carribeans. Chief Mrs. Ade-Ajayi said he was surprised to be nominated as her late husband, late Prof Ade-Ajayi, was a past recipient of THISDAY Award. Mr. John Adeaga said he has been in the classroom in the past 33 years. Hadiza Mohammed probably summed up the teachers appreciation when she thanked THISDAY for making teachers proud and putting a smile on their faces. Ninety-year old Dotun Oyewole perhaps received the loudest cheer and when it was time for him to speak, his wife took the microphone and after thanking the organizers, she disclosed that she would like to personally thank her husband because she was also his student. To this disclosure, the crowd roared alive again.
At the occasion, 10 distinguished Nigerians received the Lifetime Achievement awards. They included First Bank Chairman Oba Otudeko, Osile of Oke-Ona in Ogun State, Oba Adedapo Tejuoso, Prof. Laz Ekwueme and business mogul and Chairman of Eleganza, Alhaji Rasaq Okoya.

[Bearbeiten] Jairus Byrd, Eugene Parker seeking trade from Bills, per rep

Mark Gaughan of The Buffalo News is reporting that safety and his agent,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Pro Shop, Eugene Parker, are out of Buffalo by the NFL trade deadline of October 29. Gaughan cites two sources in the report - one an executive on another NFL team,Bank of America Intern Dies After Working '15 Hours a D, and the other a player agent that does not work for Byrd.

Byrd has been back in Orchard Park for two weeks following a months-long contract dispute between he and the Bills that ultimately led to his signing a one-year, $6.916 million franchise tender in late August. He missed the entirety of training camp, is not happy with the Bills' negotiating stance when the two sides were trying to hammer out a long-term agreement prior to July 15, and is now battling a case of plantar fasciitis as he attempts to get back into the lineup.

Whether or not Byrd and Parker will be able to find a team by Week 8 that's willing to both part with fair compensation and pay Byrd as one of the league's highest-paid safeties next March remains to be seen - but the task is made more difficult by the fact that Byrd is currently hampered by injury. Then there's the Bills to consider; they may not be willing to part with their star safety cheaply.

Byrd's one-year franchise tender does not contain language that prevents the Bills from using the tag again next off-season; though it would cost them $8.3 million this time around,Cheap Nike NFL jerseys Supplier, they'd have the power to keep Byrd from reaching the open market for a second straight off-season. Given the lack of movement on the negotiation front this past summer, it's hard to envision the two sides making much progress should that situation arise.

Regardless of what may happen down the line on the trade front, one thing seems clear: the more we hear about the current state of affairs between the Bills and Byrd, the less likely it seems that the two-time Pro Bowl and second-team All-Pro safety will be in Buffalo for the long haul.

The Bills currently have six safeties under contract, having just signed veteran to the roster earlier this week. and were the team's starters while Byrd skipped training camp this summer, and they also spent mid-round picks on rookies and , as well.

[Bearbeiten] Britain to send an extra £52million to Syria as Cameron batt

The PM was yesterday forced to deny he was being sidelined, after reports that a senior aide to summit host Vladimir Putin - a long-time ally of Assad who has warned that military action without UN backing would amount to an act of aggression - had dismissed Britain as 'just a small island: no-one pays any attention to them'

Downing Street demanded 'clarification' of the remarks, which were denied by the Russian President's chief spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who said they did not reflect Moscow's true view of the UK and the 'positive dynamics' of relations between the two countries.
A Number 10 source said that the reported remark 'highlights how a small island with great people can achieve a big footprint in the world'. It is not known whether the alleged snub was discussed in a 35-minute bilateral meeting between Mr Cameron and Mr Putin which took place at 2am St Petersburg time,Wes Welker Jersey, after the Russian President had treated his guests to a lavish display of music and fireworks at the Peterhof Palace.

Target: Much of the new money will go towards medical training and equipment to help civilians targeted by chemical attacks

Meeting of minds: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron talk during the summit

Discussions: World leaders are venting over Syria's civil war but look no closer to agreeing on international military intervention to stop it

Mr Cameron announced Britain's new aid contribution - bringing the total UK funding for assistance in Syria and neighbouring states to ��400 million - at a meeting he called to urge fellow leaders to dig deep to fund a 3 billion US dollar (��1.9 billion) shortfall in the United Nations appeal for Syria.

Acknowledging the deep disagreements voiced when Syria was discussed at last night's official dinner, Mr Cameron said that action on aid would show that the G20 had 'a very large message' of support for the people of the war-torn Middle Eastern state. 'This is a moral imperative,' Mr Cameron told the meeting, attended by ministers from Canada, Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey and a senior official in the Obama administration, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the EU's Jose Manuel Barroso and Herman van Rompuy. 'This is the big refugee crisis of our time. As the Secretary General has made clear,True Blood Is Ending, Y’all, seven million people are in dire need and chemical weapons attacks have made this even more acute.
'A Syrian becomes a refugee every 15 seconds while we sit here at this conference. That is 5,000 fleeing their homes and becoming homeless while we are at this G20 summit.
'It is also a political imperative. It will help us build international support for action by showing that our response is not just military. At a summit where people have focused on potential divisions over Syria, I wanted to bring you together to identify key priorities about the action needed to send a strong message about our commitment to the Syrian people and the urgent priority to do more.'

President Putin and President Hollande attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives today

Arrival: President Putin arrives in an electric car for a meeting with the heads of BRICS member states'

Reminding fellow leaders that the UN 

relief appeal is so far only 43 per cent funded, Mr Cameron said: 'The UK is the second largest bilateral donor and today we can announce an extra 81 million dollars... We would welcome an announcement by others to highlight our resolve to do more.'
Mr Cameron said he wanted today's meeting to begin a campaign in the weeks ahead of the UN General Assembly to challenge the world to meet the UN's funding appeal.
He added: 'On chemical weapons, a strong response must be about saving lives as well as preventing future attacks. Britain's new support will include scaling up medical response in the face of chemical attacks, through the training of medical and civil defence teams, protective equipment to assist decontamination and medical supplies including antidotes and response medicine.
'I hope we can send a strong signal that we can act, and act specifically to relieve this appalling suffering caused by the war crime of chemical weapons use.'

President Barack Obama, and members of his delegation walks to meet with China's President Xi Jinping for a bilateral meeting

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during his bilateral meeting with China's President Xi Jinping

Mr Cameron also called for a 

'political and diplomatic breakthrough on the problem of humanitarian access', calling for agreement on the need for 'unfettered humanitarian access inside Syria'.
This could include priority routes for aid convoys, humanitarian pauses in the fighting so aid can get through, dedicated officials to resolve problems on the ground and the lifting of bureaucratic obstacles for aid workers.
'All of this will make a big difference to the humanitarian aid picture in Syria,' he said.
'If we can agree these three points, we will have made sure that this G20 summit - despite all the disagreements there were last night - has a very large message on humanitarian aid.' The US and France are so far the only nations attending the G20 to have backed the use of military force against the Assad regime, with Russia and China insisting that any action in the absence of UN Security Council approval would be illegal.

Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta - who also attended this morning's aid meeting - said in a tweet last night that 'the G20 has just now finished the dinner session, at which the divisions about Syria were confirmed'.
US frustrations over Russia's stance were reflected in comments by the American envoy to the UN, Samantha Power, who told a New York news conference: 'Even in the wake of the flagrant shattering of the international norm against chemical weapons use, Russia continues to hold the (Security) Council hostage and shirk its international responsibilities.

Cup of tea anyone? Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister David Cameron, warm themselves as they arrived for the Water and Music Show last night

Vladimir Putin, second right, covers Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel warm blanket before the show starts

'What we have learned, what the Syrian people have learned,Denver Broncos Jerseys, is that the Security Council the world needs to deal with this crisis is not the Security Council we have.' The Pentagon has been instructed by Obama to draw up a more extensive list of potential targets in Syria, according to the

This means expanding beyond the 50 or so major sites that were part of the original target list developed with France.  The newspaper reported that he gave the instruction following intelligence indicating that Assad has been moving troops and equipment used for chemical weapons.
The aim would not be to strike the chemical weapons instead headquarters overseeing efforts, military units and rockets. The US Government accuses Assad's forces of killing 1,429 people in a poison-gas attack in a suburb of the Syrian capital, Damascus, on August 21.

Strained: Leaning tiredly on his hand, his forehead etched with tension, David Cameron cut a miserable figure during the first working session at today's G20 summit

Britain announced yesterday that scientists at the Porton Down research laboratories have found traces of the nerve gas sarin on cloth and soil samples retrieved from the site of the attack.
Meanwhile, there were signs that Mr Obama may struggle to secure support in Congress for his proposal of 'limited and proportionate' military action against Assad.
A poll commissioned by the BBC and ABC News suggested more than one-third of Congress members were undecided whether or not to back military action, while a majority of those who had made a decision said they would vote against the President.
The survey found that 226 members of the House of Representatives said they would oppose or were likely to oppose military action, against 45 who were certain or likely to support it and 189 who were undecided or did not respond.
Some 17 members of the Senate were certain or likely to oppose Mr Obama's plans, against 23 certain or likely to back him and 60 whose position was undecided or unknown.

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